(361) 450-0234
[email protected]
4161 Highway 35 North, Unit 1, Rockport, Texas 78382

Not All Windstorm Engineers
Are Created Equal

Vision Statement

Living in the Coastal Bend area of Texas = hurricane exposure.

At WindShore Engineering, LLC (“WindShore”) we combine state-of-the-art science and construction technology with “best-practices” expertise of windstorm codes to deliver superior building performance …and peace of mind.

Mission Statement

We are relationship driven, and we exist to service our solid client relationships with homebuilders, roofers, general contractors, architects, realtors, lenders, homeowners, insurance professionals, attorneys and governmental officials.  When our clients think windstorm, they think WindShore, the premier provider of Windstorm Engineering on existing structures and new construction analysis, design, inspection and certification services to the Coastal Bend.  Our clients are the best in the industry, and they KNOW we will get the job done right with fast, reliable, professional service.

Services Offering

WindShore’s competitive niche is that we are laser focused on our core business of Windstorm.  We do Windstorm Design, Engineering, Inspection and Certification, and that is all we do.  And we are only focused to service a five county area of the Coastal Bend of Texas, which includes Aransas, Refugio, San Patricio, Nueces and Kenedy Counties.  Our confined geographic focus means we can deliver superior service to meet your tight deadlines.

On the engineering side, the emphasis is on analysis, design, reporting, plans, and consulting/expert witness work.

Our inspection and certification service involves crawling over slabs, up on roofs, and all around commercial structures to confirm that they meet the stringent windstorm requirements promulgated by the Texas Department of Insurance (TDI).

As one of only a few AQI’s (Appointed Qualified Inspectors) in the area, we are actually licensed to inspect and approve your structure as a representative of the TDI.  So we can windstorm design and engineer, and then inspect your structure for certification with TDI.  This makes us your one-stop provider of all of your windstorm needs.

Geographic Service Area

If you live in a coastal community, which segmented by the Texas General Land office (GLO) in Regions 1 – 4, and then further categorized by the Texas Department of Insurance (TDI) as Seaward, Coastal I or Coastal II.  To insure your structure against windstorm damage in these areas, you must build your structure to the strict requirements of (TDI) in order to quality for insurance coverage with the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association (TWIA).

WindShore is focused on Region 3, which encompasses a 5 county area including Refugio, Aransas, San Patricio, Nueces and Kleberg, which is an area referred to as the Coastal Bend Area of the Texas Coast.

WindShore Commitment to Community

WindShore is built on a philosophy of honesty, integrity and faith. But we are not just about making money, we also subscribe to the notion of Doing Good While Doing Well, and in giving back to local charities.

As a commitment to our beliefs, our community and the world around us, we are committed to putting 10% of profits into the WindShore Blessings Fund, a donor advised fund with the National Christian Foundation. From these funds the whole team will submit and vote on donations to faith-based organizations that are doing the best work helping people in our community. We feel like together we can make a much larger impact than individually.

If a team member wishes to multiply his or her giving, we will provide some of those funds into a matching contribution to their donations towards qualifying causes that are close to their heart. Our desire is to live the meaning of the “life that is truly life” promised in scripture.

© 2025 WindShore Engineering